"Unleashed Potential is the top basketball skills development training group in Central PA. That is why Mid Penn Motion AAU is excited to have Unleashed Potential provide basketball skills training for all of our Elite MPM teams. Joe Stasysyzn is one of the country’s premier skill development coaches and his work with the top College, NBA and WNBA players and coaches places him among a very elite group. Joe and his amazing team of Jordan, Lex and Kelsey, give MPM players and teams a tremendous competitive advantage. The extensive knowledge, experience and teaching abilities of the Unleashed Potential coaches has made a direct contribution to the success of our MPM players and teams and enabled them to excel at the highest levels of AAU basketball. Over 100 MPM players have gone on to play at the college level. That’s why Mid Penn Motion entrusts the skill development of its players to Unleashed Potential."

John Studer Vice President Mid Penn Motion

Boston Celtics | Director of Youth Basketball & Development

Working with the coaches from Unleashed Potential is always a highlight from our youth basketball season. Their training methods actively promote skill development with techniques that are entertaining, fun and engaging for kids of all ages and ability levels. The staff is extremely positive, encouraging and demonstrate a hard-working spirit quickly embraced by their players. I can’t think of another group of youth basketball coaches matching our organizations philosophies more closely.